
Error from vaxe when opening .hx file with Command-T

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When opening vim without opening a specific file (running vim in a folder with NERDTree installed) and trying to find a file using Command-T (https://github.com/wincent/Command-T) when no file has been opened I get this error:

Error detected while processing function vaxe#AutomaticHxml..vaxe#DefaultHxml..<SNR>45_NmeTarget..<SNR>45_InputList:
line   13:
E492: Not an editor command:           sel = 1

However, if I already have a file opened in the buffer, either through NERDTree or Command-T, and using Command-T I don't get this error.

So it's not a huge problem but thought I'd report it.

Thanks Victor,

I couldn't recreate the error message, but I did see an obvious syntax error that was hidden behind a conditional. I've pushed a quick fix. Can you try to update the library and see if the problem goes away?

It did! Cheers!