
Doesn't automatically select Lime project file

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Well, it does initially (the first file that's opened from the project is correctly associate with the Lime project file, and it compiles). But whenever I open new source files within the project, it doesn't associate the new file with the current Lime project, so I'm stuck doing ":ProjectLime xxx" for every new source file I open.

This seems to be a regression, as there wasn't this problem with the Dec 6? commit (but of course since then openfl commands have been deprecated and Lime commands are now used).

I rewrote some of the lime config code. I'll take a look soon.

Try it again when you can, I made some updates for this.

Ok. Tried it, you can open all files in the project with no hassle, and the project will compile using ':make' from any and all buffers. However now there's no context aware code completion, it says 'Compiler error: error: Display file was not found in class path'.

You're sure the class exist on the class path? That error message is the compiler telling you that it doesn't know how the current file relates to the given hxml. Is the current file part of the current build? (i.e. it's not a new file). Are you trying to edit some source code generated from another target? (e.g., editing Export/html5/haxe/ApplicationMain.hx when your target is flash).

Are you changing directories to edit the file? (there's a configuration in vim that switches cwd to the current file dir). I should be handling that situation, but there might be a bug.

Very sure. Literally just opening a single source file (Main.hx in Source folder), starting Vaxe, then trying to import a class that the app already compiles with (com.haxepunk.Scene for example). It compiles fine, from all buffers/source files in the app, but no completion. Also tried classes from the Haxe std library, and nothing. Reverting back to the previous commit, completion works as expected (albeit with the annoyance I described initially).

This is frustrating, as I can't reproduce it. Are you on windows by chance?

No, on Linux (openSUSE, Haxe 3.01, etc...). I understand the frustrating bit, I was trying to play around with the code and recreated your changes to the source step by step, seeing how things changed in Vim, and I couldn't figure out why it failed either (it failed after changing some of the b:vaxe_lime stuff to g:vaxe_lime in lime.vim).

I'll try reorganizing it again soon. I've made a lot of incremental changes as the build system has progressed from NME, to OpenFL, to Lime.

I backed it up to the prior revision, and then tried a different approach towards fixing the problem. Let me know if you have any luck, and thanks for sticking with it.

Ahh... one more thing. Can you check the contents of the project.lime.hxml file? Every now and then the hxml generation fails and this could cause completions to fail.

I'll add a check for this soon.

Everything is working as expected now. Completions work, it seems to associate the proper build file with the proper files, no more error messages, everything works great! Thank you very much. I consider this issue closed.

By the way, thanks for your work on the plugin, I use it with YCM and Nerdtree, better than an IDE... And congrats on the Superbowl win.

You're welcome! Go hawks!