
Better help render?

Closed this issue · 9 comments


I like the help window however it looks like the original help is in html so the rendering totally off (renders as text) I wonder if it would be possible to use a middle man program like w3m or lynx (at least on linux) to render the html as text before showing it. Not sure if there is already a way to render html as nice text in Vim.

thanks for the extension

Thanks for trying it out!

I already do a few things to try and clean up the text. But, some haxe docs have inserted markdown references, html, you name it. I probably can make a pass at stripping it out.

Thanks for looking into it.

Btw how do I scroll up and down while the autocomplete is on and the help page is on? Some pages are longer so not sure how I can manage to kep both open at the same time.


do you want to scroll the page, or scroll the selection of completion options?

also note: I've turned off the help page text by default in my personal config... eventually you don't need to see it, and it saves you some space. Check the "misc config" section in the readme.

I want to read the help while being able to scroll since I can read and go up and down to see what I need.

the help should stay open... do you have a plugin or some other setting that is closing it?

not sure, i have neocomplcache.vim but the library methods and functions do not show up so I use c-x c-o to ppen the pull down menu.

Added a patch to close your original issue, but I'll leave this open a while longer for your other issue.

regarding scrolling... are you by chance scrolling your terminal window instead of your vim buffer? That's the simplest way I can think that this is happening.


Well I am on Gvim when I click on the help buffer I loose the completion pulldown window

I think you'll need to look at general vim help for this, I don't see anything I can do on my end.