
Python distribution of the MatLab package UTide

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT



Python re-implementation of the Matlab package UTide.

Still in heavy development--everything is subject to change!

Note: the user interface differs from the Matlab version, so consult the Python function docstrings to see how to specify parameters. Some functionality from the Matlab version is not yet available.

% For more information see:
% Codiga, D.L., 2011. Unified Tidal Analysis and Prediction Using the
% UTide Matlab Functions. Technical Report 2011-01. Graduate School
% of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI.
% 59pp. ftp://www.po.gso.uri.edu/pub/downloads/codiga/pubs/
% 2011Codiga-UTide-Report.pdf
% UTide v1p0 9/2011 d.codiga@gso.uri.edu
% http://www.po.gso.uri.edu/~codiga/utide/utide.htm


Download the zip file and unzip it; or, much better, clone the git repository. In either case, change your directory to the newly-created utide distribution directory.

python setup.py install


python setup.py install --user

if you don't want a system-wide installation.

If you want to work on developing the package, then

python setup.py develop

will allow you to test without reinstalling after making a modification.

Another option is to use

pip install .

If you are using conda and will not be developing the code, you can install from the IOOS channel. See https://github.com/ioos/conda-recipes/wiki.

The public functions can be imported using

from utide import solve, reconstruct

To test and make sure that the package has been installed and imported correctly, run:

from utide.tests.test_solve import test_roundtrip

If you have the pytest package installed, you can execute python setup.py test from within the source directory to run all tests.

A sample call would be

from utide import solve

coef = solve(time, time_series_u, time_series_v,

For more examples see the notebooks folder.