
A collection of Firmware, CAD files, Motherboard Schematics, Manuals, Printer Profiles, etc. for the Overlord / Overlord Pro 3D Delta Printers made by Dreammaker.cc

Primary LanguageC++


A collection of Firmware, CAD files, Motherboard Schematics, Manuals, Printer Profiles, etc. for the Overlord / Overlord Pro 3D Delta Printers made by Dreammaker.cc I have create this repository in the hope it helps other owners of these 3D printers, as support is all but non-existant from Dreammaker.

These printers use custom/tweaked Marlin based firmware.


I found that the 2.3.5 firmware to be the most stable.


Post printer profiles for various slicers

Compile new firmware to incorporate additional fixes - mainly dimensional accuracy, drop serial baud rate to work better with octopi, etc. If you have any requests please let me know :)


Firmware - a clone of jimaobian/OverlordFirmware