
Compile failure in bank example

ch3pjw opened this issue · 2 comments

I just tried building the bank examples via stack:

cd eventful/examples/bank
stack init
stack build

and got

[my_src_dir]/eventful/examples/bank/src/Bank/Models/Account/CommandHandler.hs:75:26: error:
    Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘CommandHandler’

Via quick code inspection I can't see where CommandHandler is supposed to come in from. Is this broken, or am I missing something?

Tried with commit 374f603.

I think you just need to do a stack clean and then a stack build to get everything working again. I made a recent change that replaces Aggregate with CommandHandler, so I wonder if eventful-core is out of date for you.

Did you just do a git clone before this, or did you have an old copy of the repo lying around?

stack init

Did you mean stack setup? Note that stack init is for creating stack projects.

Yeah, going from clean and running stack setup worked grand. Thanks!