
vimeo parameters

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello there,

Great plugin, very nice. I have an amatur question, I am trying to add vimeo parameters but with no success. Where exactly in the code I should add it?

I have tried to do it like that with no success:

{% set video = craft.embedder.url(entry.workVideo, {max_width:5000, max_height:8000, vimeo_color:ffffff}) %}

{{ video.embed_code }}

Any advice on what I am doing wrong?

For reference, this question was also posed on Stack Exchange...


When a solution has been determined, please post the answer over there as well. Thanks!

I haven't personally used this plugin, but I'd recommend putting that string in quotes...

A-P commented

@lindseydiloreto is correct - you have to put the color in a string. This code should work fine:

{% set video = craft.embedder.url(entry.workVideo, {max_width:5000, max_height:8000, vimeo_color:"ffffff"}) %}

{{ video.embed_code }}

One other thing to note - with Vimeo, a video owner can overwrite this option - so if they set it to a specific theme color, you can't change it through this embed parameter.