
Vimeo Thumbnails not showing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For some reason Vimeo thumbnails are no longer showing?
{% for video in blocks %}

{% set vimeo = craft.embedder.url(video.vimeoUrl, {max_width:500, max_height:800}) %}

{{ vimeo.video_highres }}

{% endfor %}

I just checked, and Vimeo thumbnails still seem to be working for me. Could you let me know if the problem has resolved for you? Occasionally a thumbnail will be missing from one of the source sites.

I just updated the code for Craft 3, but that was after your issue. The Craft 2 code hasn't change for quite a while, so nothing should be different. You can find it in the v1 branch if needed.

Closing this issue as inactive, but you can let me know if you run into the problem again.