
Tiny, universal, modern Rollbar JavaScript client whose code is mostly lazy-loaded if and when an error occurs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NPM module @babbel/rollbar-client.js

Tiny, modern Rollbar JavaScript client whose code is mostly lazy-loaded if and when an error occurs.

Background and Overview

This project started as an idea: "Why does an error reporting library need to load at all before an error happens? Can't we defer loading it until an error object is received? If an error never happens, why waste the bandwidth?"; apparently, I talk to myself more than I realize. Following this thought, I attempted to get lazy-loading working with the official Rollbar JS client; doing so ended up being ultimately impossible without major retooling unless I was OK with errors being reported with no details (hint: I'm not). Then I wondered whether Rollbar had an open API with documentation allowing me to write my own client; they do! Thus, I proceeded to look through the official JavaScript client's source code and API documentation so all the most important features were retained.

This project's code has been used on production since November 2019 for all of our monitored applications, so we're confident it works well.

This project was moved into its own repository so it can be shared as an NPM package. The benefits are quite significant.

Features at parity with the official JS client

  • Automatic reporting of uncaught errors and promise rejections
  • Stack trace parsing and detailed display; uses same error-stack-parser library as the official Rollbar JS client
  • Automatic deduplication of errors
  • Uses source maps to extract code locations from source code instead of minified code
  • Auto-extraction of error object class names from stack traces

Advantages over the official JS client

  • Enforced 100% unit test line coverage so even future modifications will fail builds until all lines are covered
  • Waits to lazy load most of its code until an error happens, otherwise does nothing
  • Bundle size impact:
    • This code's main bundle size impact: ~0.4 KiB minified and gzip'd (~0.3 KiB minified and Brotli'd)!
    • Official client main bundle size impact: ~23 KiB minified and gzip'd (over 50 times larger)
  • Auto-categorizes reported errors into supported and unsupported browsers (based on a regex that can be auto-generated by NPM packages browserslist and browserslist-useragent-regexp; see the Simulated Implementation section below for a production usage example)
  • sendBeacon()-based error reporting with auto-fallback to using fetch() with keepalive
  • Encourages fingerprinting overrides for more predictable error categorization based solely on reported error title; can be optionally disabled. Rollbar's default categorization behavior is far less predictable.
  • Reports the full application state JSON (e.g. Redux) and/or action history by passing them to the 4th and 5th parameters of log(), respectively
  • Reports the browser's list of available languages and currently-active language; visible at payload locations data.custom.languages and data.custom.languagePreferred, respectively
  • Optionally reports the user's location information (e.g. city, country, longitude, etc.)
  • Payload is alphabetically deep-sorted so payloads from different browsers and environments can be more easily diffed

Upcoming Features

  • Auto-capturing the request and response metadata for fetch() requests
  • Supporting native modules in a <script type="module"> environment

Features missing vs. the official JS client (potentially will be added later)

  • Non-error-specific telemetry (e.g. page clicks, console object logging)


NOTE: this library is not transpiled. If you have the need to support browsers other than Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge (Chromium), please transpile this code

Webpack and dynamic imports

By default, this library should work without any extra configuration. However, because this library uses relative dynamic import paths, HTML <base> elements can override the path prefix when fetching dynamic import code; thus, dynamic imports can break. To fix this, use Webpack's publicPath configuration option at build time or __webpack_public_path__ global variable at runtime depending on your environment configuration. You can read more about it here.

Module Exports

Only a single class RollbarClient is exported; its usage follows.

import { RollbarClient } from "@babbel/rollbar-client.js";
const configurationObject = {
  /* config here */
const rollbarClient = new RollbarClient(configurationObject);

Creates a new client instance and sets configuration options (configurationObject) to be used throughout the client instance's lifetime

Class Methods

void RollbarClient.prototype.initializeEventListeners();

Starts listening for unhandled error and unhandledrejection events on the global scope
NOTE: when using more than one client instance and calling this method for each, multiple error and unhandledrejection will be attached unless you opt-out of doing so by using false as the onUnhandledError and/or onUnhandledPromiseRejection configuration option values

void async RollbarClient.prototype.log(errorLevel, errorTitle)
void async RollbarClient.prototype.log(errorLevel, errorTitle [, errorObject])
void async RollbarClient.prototype.log(errorLevel, errorTitle [, errorObject, applicationStateObject])
void async RollbarClient.prototype.log(errorLevel, errorTitle [, errorObject, applicationStateObject, actionHistoryArray])

Lazy-loads the rest of the codebase as a module singleton (so it's only ever fetched once) then submits the details of an occurrence

  • errorLevel (required) string whose accepted values are critical, debug, error, info, warning
  • errorTitle (required) can be any string
  • errorObject (optional) must be an instance of Error or its derivatives (e.g. TypeError)
  • applicationStateObject (optional) can be any object (payload location: data.custom.applicationState)
  • actionHistoryArray (optional) can be any array (payload location: data.custom.actionHistory)

NOTE: unreported exceptions will be thrown in the following circumstances:

  • errorLevel doesn't match any accepted value
  • errorObject is not an instance of Error or its derivatives (e.g. RangeError or class SomeError extends Error)
  • actionHistoryArray is not an array

Configuration object keys:

Key Name Required Data Type Default Value Description
accessToken Y String undefined Rollbar client access token (a.k.a. API key)
apiUrl N String 'https://api.rollbar.com/api/1/item/' POST URL for submitting occurrences to Rollbar
browsersSupportedRegex N RegExp undefined Used to identify if the current browser is supported or not. See data.custom.isBrowserSupported in the occurrence JSON to determine if the occurrence's browser is considered supported or not; isBrowserSupported defaults to true if this option is not used or browsersSupportedRegex.test(navigator.userAgent) if it is. Use NPM package browserslist-useragent-regexp for easiest implementation.
browserUnsupportedTitlePrefix N String '[UNSUPPORTED BROWSER] ' Prefix applied to a reported occurrence's title if the current browser is unsupported
commitHash N String undefined Commit hash of the current code deployment; usually only set during CI builds
customPayloadFields N Object undefined Object fields to be merged into the POST data submitted to Rollbar; intended to modify/overwrite the payload without restriction (learn more)
environment Y String undefined The execution environment (e.g. "development" or "production"); can be any value
fingerprint N String undefined Used to group occurrences together; defaults to the value of errorTitle/payload.data.title if not used. To disable its usage, set it to false. See Customizing Fingerprinting Rules for more details
hasConfigurationInPayload N Boolean false If enabled, submit the full configuration object with each occurrence
isVerbose N Boolean true If enabled, arguments passed to log() are logged locally with console in addition to being sent to Rollbar
locationInfo N Object undefined Device location details (e.g. city, country, longitude, etc.)
onUnhandledError N Function See onErrorDefault below Global error handler; can disable attaching a handler by setting it to false. Only used if initializeEventListeners() is called.
onUnhandledPromiseRejection N Function See onUnhandledRejectionDefault below Global unhandledrejection handler; can disable attaching a handler by setting it to false. Only used if initializeEventListeners() is called.
setContext N Function () => window.location.href Returns a string representing the state of the app during an occurrence; used to directly set payload value data.context
shouldIgnoreOccurrence N Function undefined Returns a boolean value determining whether the currently-processing occurrence should be sent to Rollbar. Function signature: shouldIgnoreOccurrence(payload, configuration) where payload is the payload object about to be sent to Rollbar and configuration is the configuration object
userInfo N Object undefined User details (NOTE: only "email", "id", and "username" fields are indexed by Rollbar; you can send other fields, but they won't be searchable)

Default Error Handlers

function onErrorDefault(errorEvent) {
  this.log("warning", "Unhandled error occurred", errorEvent.error);

function onUnhandledRejectionDefault(promiseRejectionEvent) {
  this.log("warning", "Unhandled promise rejection occurred", promiseRejectionEvent.reason);

Simulated Implementation

import { RollbarClient } from '@babbel/rollbar-client.js';
import { browsersSupportedRegex } from '../constants/regex';

const { environment, geo_data, uuid } = getEnvironmentConfig();
const rollbarConfiguration = {
  accessToken: process.env.ROLLBAR_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN,
  customPayloadFields: {
    data: {
      client: {
        javascript: {
          browser: 'modified user agent',
      custom: {
        isSecretSauce: true,
        veryImportantThing: ['secret', 'sauce'],
  locationInfo: { ...geo_data },
  userInfo: { id: uuid },
  ...(process.env.GITHUB_SHA && { commitHash: process.env.GITHUB_SHA }),
const rollbarClient = new RollbarClient(rollbarConfiguration);


try {
} catch (error) {
    'I did something kinda bad',

try {
} catch (error) {
    'I did something REALLY bad',