
Is it possible to `cargo install --bin`?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

zx8 commented


$ mise exec cargo:solana-labs/solana@tag:v1.18.26 -- solana-keygen

Errors with:

error: multiple packages with binaries found: gen-headers, gen-syscall-list, proto, rbpf-cli, solana-accounts-bench, solana-accounts-cluster-bench, solana-banking-bench, solana-bench-streamer, solana-bench-tps, solana-cargo-build-bpf, solana-cargo-build-sbf, solana-cargo-registry, solana-cargo-test-bpf, solana-cargo-test-sbf, solana-cli, solana-dos, solana-faucet, solana-genesis, solana-gossip, solana-install, solana-keygen, solana-ledger-tool, solana-log-analyzer, solana-merkle-root-bench, solana-net-shaper, solana-net-utils, solana-poh-bench, solana-remote-wallet, solana-stake-accounts, solana-store-tool, solana-tokens, solana-transaction-dos, solana-upload-perf, solana-validator, solana-watchtower, solana-zk-keygen. When installing a git repository, cargo will always search the entire repo for any Cargo.toml.

How can I specify that I want to install solana-keygen specifically?

I'm not sure, but you might want to try cargo binstall and mise use -g cargo:solana-keygen

Though, when I do that it just tries to build from source and fails... But it does work if i do mise use -g cargo:ripgrep

Could be an issue with solana itself

zx8 commented

@nickchomey Thanks for the suggestion! But the issue is that the solana-keygen crate is seemingly not maintained by the Solana team:


So I wanted to install from the solana-labs/solana GitHub repository directly, to guarantee what I was installing was from the original source.

jdx commented

this could be added as a tool option in the cargo backend