
Add support for setting all tools as global default

zhiqiangxu opened this issue · 6 comments

When mise.toml contains a lot of tools, it's handy to have a command to set all tools as global default.

jdx commented

I don't understand what this means

I don't understand what this means

I want to access all tools specified in mise.toml while in another directory(not the directory containing mise.toml).

I don't want to do mise use --global xxx@version one by one.

So I think it's handy to have such a command, WDYT?

jdx commented

cp mise.toml ~/.config/mise/conf.d/extras.toml

cp mise.toml ~/.config/mise/conf.d/extras.toml

It works! Oh, it's documented here.


cp mise.toml ~/.config/mise/conf.d/extras.toml

This works for stand-alone terminal, but vs code can't find the installed binaries:


Fixed by installing the mise-vscode plugin.