onnxexp is an easy way to explore your onnx model. It helps you debug and even convert/inference your onnx simply with a single command line.
You can install onnxexplorer
simply by:
pip install onnxexplorer
then you can using onnxexp -h
to see what it capable of:
usage: onnxexp [-h] [--version] {glance,totrt,check} ...
positional arguments:
glance Take a glance at your onnx model.
totrt Convert your model to trt using onnx-tensorrt python
check Check your onnx model is valid or not.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version, -v show version info.
The final function onnxexp will provide are:
- Glance at your onnx model info, print out input and output shapes information, and Node sets;
- Search node detail by provide node id, or node type, etc, search all
in your model; - Int8 convert of your onnx model;
- Convert your model to tensorrt via onnx-tensorrt python API;
- Calculate your model params and test speed via ONNXRuntime;
- 2021.12.22: Add TensorRT convert function, now you can using
convert your onnx model to trt engine, even with dynamic input models:onnxexp totrt -m shufflenetv2_body.onnx --min_shapes img:1x3x384x288 --opt_shapes img:2x3x384x288 --max_shapes img:4x3x384x288
- 2021.12.04: Update args, re-organised readme and usage;
- 2021.01.06: Update search functions;
- 2019.09.30: First released this package;
to install onnxexplorer, you can do:
sudo pip3 install onnxexplorer
Or if pip not available:
sudo python3 setup.py install
All right reserved by Lucas Jin. Codes released under Apache License.