Document how to use singularity
lesteve opened this issue · 7 comments
From except now that nodes are RedHat8 so it is a bit simpler
Build singularity image on the login node:
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=$SCRATCH/cache-singularity/
export PATH=/gpfslocalsys/singularity/singularity-3.5.2-s-rhel8/bin:$PATH\n\n
# build singularity image from pytorch/pytorch docker image on DockerHub
singularity build $WORK/pytorch.simg docker://pytorch/pytorch:latest
Start an interactive job for testing
(you could use singularity the same way in a job submission script)
srun --pty --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=10 --gres=gpu:1 --hint=nomultithread --partition=gpu_p1 bash
Use the singularity image inside a job
Inside the compute node (i.e. after your interactive job has started)
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=$SCRATCH/cache-singularity/
export PATH=/gpfslocalsys/singularity/singularity-3.5.2-s-rhel8/bin:$PATH\n\n
singularity exec --nv $WORK/pytorch.simg python -c 'import torch; print(torch.__version__)'
So it seems that Jean Zay user support has found a problem with singularity so singularity will not available for for a few weeks until they fix the problem.
This feature is supposed to be release before dec20!
Building image and sandbox won't be allowed. There will be some kind of tool to check safety/integrity of the uploaded images. Looking forward for a nice documentation...
Looking forward for a nice documentation...
Very soon!
I just had the confirmation that everything should be available today (the Singularity module, the idrcontmgr
command and the documentation).
The documentation is here:, the module and idrcontmgr
command are available as well.
Great news, thanks a lot!