formatOptions is not applied on base image
jonisapp opened this issue · 5 comments
When uploading image files, the formatOptions are only applied to "imageSizes" and not to the base image.
import { S3UploadCollectionConfig } from 'payload-s3-upload';
const TextImages: S3UploadCollectionConfig = {
slug: 'texts_images',
labels: { singular: 'Texte - image', plural: 'Textes - images' },
access: {
read: () => true,
admin: {
group: 'Fichiers',
disableDuplicate: true,
upload: {
staticURL: '/texts/images',
disableLocalStorage: true,
s3: {
bucket: 'lepitre-public',
prefix: 'texts/images',
commandInput: {
ACL: 'public-read',
imageSizes: [
name: 'thumbnail',
width: 200,
height: undefined,
formatOptions: {
format: 'webp',
options: {
quality: 70,
formatOptions: {
format: 'webp',
options: {
quality: 70,
adminThumbnail: 'thumbnail',
mimeTypes: ['image/*'],
hooks: {
afterRead: [
async ({ doc }) => {
doc.url = `${doc.filename}`;
(k) =>
].url = `${doc.sizes[k].filename}`)
export default TextImages;
Hello, is it something that works properly in Payload?
We don't do anything specific with this option in the plugin, as we just process the file buffer passed by Payload.
I've checked the official plugin and they do the same.
Not quite correct:
Payload does adjust the base image a bit.
Moreover, you can pass formatOptions
for each size, which could lead to a mimeType
change of the size image. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the mime type of the original:
Lines 30 to 34 in 3e0417c
The result is not included in req.payloadUploadSizes
, it contains only the separate sizes.
Maybe the data object could give a general idea about the content contained in the edited file.
Lines 11 to 14 in 3e0417c
I was talking about the cloud storage plugin of Payload, sorry if it was misleading.
The problem I see is that the fileBuffer
created at isn't attached to the object that is returned later.
As a result plugins can't access the transformed image buffer. It's a bug from Payload imo, I see no reason not to pass the transformed buffer to the plugin chain.
For sure we don't want to duplicate the image transformation logic in a s3 storage plugin.
I'm wrong Payload does pass the transformed image buffer downstream.
I don't see where the issue is located.
Payload does all the transformations first, then the plugin simply retrieves the buffers passed downstream and upload objects to S3.
What should be done differently in here?:
Lines 15 to 38 in 3e0417c
We just get data passed by Payload after transformations are applied.
I think payload does not expose the result file buffer directly, it is included in someway, but not correctly referenced.
Line 33 ignores the mime type of the created file size completely
I think req.files?.file ?? req.file
contains the original file. And the transformed is included in data.files
But if data
is just the upload config, then req.files
should be type of array. If req
contains this result object:
{ data: newData, files: filesToSave }
I'm not quite sure what payload is exactly giving to the plugins. I'm just trying to give an initial idea of what could be the cause.