
Add option for using residential streets instead of the hardcoded map

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Kind of an interesting distribution in osm_ways. I wonder if the 800k non-tagged ways will be a problem...?

select tags->'highway' as highway_type, count(*) from osm_ways group by highway_type order by count desc;
highway_type count
service 66335
residential 20712
footway 13890
secondary 8863
primary 6915
tertiary 2453
path 2278
steps 1196
motorway_link 863
motorway 853
track 782
cycleway 483
pedestrian 455
unclassified 322
primary_link 230
trunk 229
trunk_link 155
secondary_link 141
corridor 43
tertiary_link 28
proposed 25
construction 16
living_street 10
elevator 6
junction 5
raceway 2
bridleway 2
bus_stop 1

Done in #34.