
Counterflow Bike Lanes

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Looking to add new info to the map about the counterflow bike lane on Sunnyside near Welles park. It's already a mellow street, but it will only give directions in one direction, since it's a one-way street. I'm assuming that there's some issue with the underlying OSM data that makes this tricky. Any thoughts on counterflow lanes?

I did some research into OSM and learned that counterflow lanes can be tagged with "oneway:bicyle=no". I have added the submitted the appropriate tags to OSM, for Sunnyside, but I don't know how long those take to propagate.

There is a similar issue with a new counterflow lane on Berwyn Ave (finished Aug 2022), but the tags on OSM were already updated when I looked. Looking on my local copy with a freshly built db + newly downloaded OSM copy, I am able to receive directions using the counterflow on Berwyn, which makes it seem like the updated tags on OSM is all that is needed to receive correct routing. However, it appears that the deployed version is still using an older version of the map and does not use the counterflow lane.

Local Dev
Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 3 02 05 PM
Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 3 02 19 PM

Sorry I missed this so long ago @nsteins! We're going to do a new OSM refresh (as well as work on a system for doing more regular updates) so this should hopefully be resolved soon. I'll keep this open until the refresh is done.