
Braidlab guide typos / errors

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Giuseppe Di Labbio went through the guide to test his compilation of braidlab and found several typos, inconsistencies, and maybe errors:

In braidlab_guide.pdf:
---- Page 6, > a4 should be >> a4.
---- Page 8, output of braid('8_21') is < 2 2 2 1 2 2 -1 -1 2 -1 >
---- Page 9, running complexity(braid([1 -2])) yields 1.3863
---- Page 9, running complexity(braid([1 2])) yields 1.0986
---- Page 14, in the error 'Centered' should be 'centered'
---- Page 16, running entropy(annbraid([1 -2])) gives an error, an output is
required. For example, running
entr = entropy(annbraid([1 -2])) works
---- Page 16, the statements in the first code block have an extra closing
---- Page 16, running whos in the second code block yields
Name Size Bytes Class Attriutes
XY 9739x2x4 623296 double
ti 1x9739 77912 double
---- Page 20, you should tell the user to reload testdata in the code block
---- Page 20, b.tcross(1:3) should be b.tcross(1:3)'
---- Page 29, remove b = braid([1 -2]); l = loop([1 1]); in block after "And
---- Page 35, the train() function doesn't seem to support more than one output.
For example,
[t,entr] = train(b) is not valid but t = train(b) and t.entropy is
---- Page 39, BraidPlotDir appears before BraidAbsTol

Check all these, and make separate issues if they uncover a serious problem.

Fixed everything Giuseppe reported. The only exception is

---- Page 14, in the error 'Centered' should be 'centered'

I think 'Centered' is the preferred form, but it was 'centered' in some places. The convention is that "primary" flags are capitalized.

Some other comments:

Fixed small bug: missing lower(K) in knot2braid. So 'Trefoil'
couldn't be capitalized as in examples.

---- Page 16, running entropy(annbraid([1 -2])) gives an error, an output is
required. For example, running
entr = entropy(annbraid([1 -2])) works

Fixed: missing brackets around varargout.

---- Page 20, you should tell the user to reload testdata in the code block

Referred to Section 2.2.1. Probably written long ago when the two
parts were closer together in the text!

---- Page 35, the train() function doesn't seem to support more than one output.
For example,
[t,entr] = train(b) is not valid but t = train(b) and t.entropy is

Legacy syntax, since train now returns a struct.