
Can't print chars like ✔?

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Nice work. I'm currently trying the library. Now, i'm trying to print characters like emojis (or others things). And mvprintw(LINES() - 2, 1, "✔") gives me weird symbols. Any way to print this correctly?

Have a nice day!

jeaye commented

@AmarOk1412 Hey, thanks for the report. Have you tried the same code in C to verify it should work?

The relevant printw implementation for ncurses-rs is here:

You may also need to enable the wide feature. For example: cargo run --features "wide"

nop didn't tried yet. I'll try this ASAP and dig if it doesn't work.

Don't really have the time for now. I didn't tried the code in C. Need to do it this week end. But I tried with this in my Cargo.

version = "5.91.0"
default-features = false
features = ["wide"]

Gotcha... my bad.

let locale_conf = LcCategory::all;
setlocale(locale_conf, "");

it works better with this...

jeaye commented