
Build fails

Opened this issue · 4 comments

80 |     if let Some(lib) = ncurses_lib {
   |            ^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using a reference: `&Some(lib)`

In Cargo.toml ncurses = "5.93.0"

cargo --version
cargo 0.26.0
rustc --version
rustc 1.24.1

$ aptitude search curse|grep '^i'
i libncurses5 - shared libraries for terminal handling
i A libncurses5-dev - developer's libraries for ncurses
i libncursesw5 - shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support)
i ncurses-base - basic terminal type definitions
i ncurses-bin - terminal-related programs and man pages
i ncurses-doc - developer's guide and documentation for ncurses
i A ncurses-term - additional terminal type definitions

ncurses = "5.91.0" does not have this bug

Probably a bug introduced by match default bindings. You can work around this by upgrading to the latest stable with rustup.

Yep. works with latest rust from rust-up