
Configure package.json and set your environment variables

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package.json Configurations

  • Change name to {your_project_name}
  • Add description
  • Add main entry point e.g. index.js or index.ts
  • Change keywords to suit your project
  • Change license to suit your project
  • Change author to the correct author name

Configure cz-gitmoji-adapter

In addition to the following sections you may follow this configuration guide cz-gitmoji-adapter
Configuration Options

  • Add/Remove 'scopes' appropriate for your project inside config->cz-gitmoji-adapter->scopes array
  • Change questions texts inside config->cz-gitmoji-adapter->questions array
    OPTIONS are scope, body, issues, breaking, type and subject

  • Change repository URL to your project URL
  • Change bugs->url to your project's URL
  • Change homepage->url to your project's homepage URL
  • Set appropriate publishConfig->access of the repo
    OPTIONS are public for public repos and restricted for private repos
  • Evaluate additonal fields to be added to your package.json file as needed by reading Configuring package.json

Set your environment variables

  • Follow these instructions to set your export GH_TOKEN={your_github_PAT} environment variables for your given OS
  • (Optional) If you are using a GPG key to sign your commits (highly recommended) then also set the following variables as well.
    export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME={your_gpg_author_name}; export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL={your_gpg_email_address}; export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME={your_gpg_author_name}; export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL={your_gpg_email_address}
    These will allow for semantic release to work by running the commandline script npm run release outside of a CI environment
    and also allow you to push commits to your new repo without having to enter your username and PAT every time.

Use the npm cm to close this issue once you have completed all the tasks above.