
Configure package.json

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##Configurations to make

  • Change name: command not found to {your_project_name}
  • Add description: command not found
  • Add main: command not found entry point e.g. index.js or index.ts
  • Change keywords: command not found to suit your project
  • Change 'license' to suit your project
  • Change author

Configure cz-gitmoji-adapter

In addition to the following sections you may follow this configuration guide cz-gitmoji-adapter
Configuration Options

  • Add/Remove 'scopes' appropriate for your project
  • Change questions: command not found texts
    Options are scope: command not found, body: command not found, issues: command not found, breaking: command not found, and subject: command not found
  • Change repository: command not found URL to your project URL
  • Change bugs: command not found URL to your project URL
  • Change homepage: command not found URL to your projects homepage URL
  • Set appropriate publishConfig: command not found access of the repo
    Options are public: command not found for public repos and restricted: command not found for private repos.