
Top of Image cut off

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hello. I downloaded and tested using lilalinux's 2nd suggestion and got it run with no errors.

However, no matter what image I use it cuts off about the top 30 pixels or so in a row. I am not a developer, but if I can at least get a nudge in the right direction I might be able to figure it out.
here is a sample:
and the finished product with missing row on top:

Any help would be great. Thanks

coordinate system is zeroed?

Sorry, I'm not 100% sure I follow.
in the config file I have it setup as default 1.0,1.0 for X/Y on the starting point and then I home everything in EMC2 when I go to cut. Is there somewhere else I should be checking for that?


In AXIS, do Machine -> Zero Coordinate System

I haven't messed with the coordinate system before. so it should be defaulted to G54 if read the documentation correctly.
last night I did make sure it was using g54 (Zeroed) and it still did the same thing.
I found a wiki post about how to make sure the entire system is zeroed out, and I will run that tonight to confirm.

is there anyway for me to test to determine if the problem lies in my setup of Graster or if it lies strictly in my laser machine (not coordinated, etc)?


How did you setup EMC for graster? Did you tweak the HAL script yourself?

If you send me the image and graster output files, I will try to look through them for problems.

I installed all the supporting components then copied the zipped file and just unzipped it.
I also installed it on a second machine (Linux Mint 10) same issue.

I did tweak the hal and ini (but closely followed the posted examples)

Here is everything, it has the image and output from graster; graster itself (how it is setup on my machine)
and the ini and hal, etc from EMC2

I did have to change the downloaded Graster to resolve the tile image issue as previously mentioned by Lilalinux (2nd option).
on the LM10 system I am running right off of your code plus the change
and on EMC2 I am running off of of Joshbuddy fork (with change as mentioned) as per this article

both with the same issue, which makes me lean toward EMC as the issue

this problem still persists, i reccommend the dpi settings to go to soemthing like 200 or lower to get the top portion