
Second read more section not being rendered in second tab on page

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I am working on a Drupal bootstrap site. I would like to use readmore on two tabs on the following page:

I have set up two "Read More" section. One on the first tab "KEON-COHEN DINING HALL" and the second on the "SPENCER CENTRE FOR DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY".

Shortcodes are used to generate the tabs are from the creator of the theme I am using.

The first "Read More" is rendered correctly on the first tab, however the "Read More" is not rendered at all when I select the second tab.

My jQuery ready function is set as follows:

jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
                collapsedHeight: 0,
                lessLink: '<div class="read-more"><a href="#">Read Less</a></div>',
                moreLink: '<div class="read-more"><a href="#">Read More</a></div>'

                collapsedHeight: 0,
                lessLink: '<div class="read-more"><a href="#">Read Less</a></div>',
                moreLink: '<div class="read-more"><a href="#">Read More</a></div>'

Would anyone know how I may resolve this and have the "Read More" section rendered for the second tab?

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Actually realised that my issue is related to an issue that was closed:


As suggested in that closed issue, I had to do something like this:

   $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) {

   		collapsedHeight: 0,
   		lessLink: '<div class="read-more"><a href="#">Read Less</a></div>',
   		moreLink: '<div class="read-more"><a href="#">Read More</a></div>'  

               collapsedHeight: 0,
               lessLink: '<div class="read-more"><a href="#">Read Less</a></div>',
               moreLink: '<div class="read-more"><a href="#">Read More</a></div>'