
Can't use 3.0.0-beta-1 with Parcel

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If in index.js I write

new Readmore('.event-description');

I get Uncaught ReferenceError: Readmore is not defined.

If I try

const Readmore = require('readmore-js');
global.Readmore = Readmore;

new Readmore.default('.event-description');

I get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'default' of undefined.

And if I go

const Readmore = require('readmore-js');
new Readmore('.event-description');

I get Uncaught TypeError: Readmore is not a constructor.

It was my fault, I installed version 2.0.0… By the way this one is the one that works:

const Readmore = require('readmore-js');
global.Readmore = Readmore;

new Readmore.default('.event-description');