
webpack/node_modules ? library missing

walshe opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi again,

I am trying to use '' in the app..

when I include it in package.json and install it etc and then attempt to use it in a page as described, the button is I delved into it more..

when I use the browser debugger to view the scripts, I see no react-google-login inside the webpack/./node-modules directory ... was just wondering what the reason would be for this, is it somehow incompatible etc


Using react-google-login is out of the scope of this project. Though if you $ npm install react-google-login --save[-dev] then you'd need to require it in a code path somewhere for it to be part of the dependency tree that webpack bundles up.

Though, since we're using hapijs It's probably best to work with something like hapijs/bell for 3rd party login/authentication.

thanks, I realize its out of scope..sorry for that.. I did install it and imported it, unfortunately I have to use it

'use strict';
const Layout = require('../layouts/default.jsx');
const Package = require('../../../package.json');
const React = require('react');

import GoogleLogin from 'react-google-login';

but still doesn't seem to be in the webpack/./node_modules dir, just wondering off theres some blatant incompatibility I am not seeing..

If you're not getting compile errors from webpack, it's gotta be somewhere. Is it not rendering? Are you seeing an error of any kind?

the sign in button renders but its disabled, Ive tried it in another react-node app but don't have the issue - its really odd

If it's rendering, the code is included. Why it's disabled is the real question you're faced with. 😄 Happy hunting.

btw , I since found out I was stupidly adding the tag to a server/web component instead of client/pages :)