
Support multiple user sessions

jedireza opened this issue · 5 comments

Does the current version of aqua only allow one logged in user at a time?

Haha. No. But it does limit each logged in user to one session.

Sorry for my lack of knowledge, but is there a session timeout atleast? Seems like a nice to have feature tho.

Sure thing. By default, we're just using hapi-auth-cookie internally:

  • aqua/server/auth.js

    Lines 15 to 21 in ea085be

    server.auth.strategy('session', 'cookie', {
    password: Config.get('/cookieSecret'),
    cookie: 'sid-aqua',
    isSecure: false,
    redirectTo: '/login',
    appendNext: 'returnUrl',
    validateFunc: function (request, data, callback) {

And you could swap out hapi-auth-cookie for whatever strategy works best for your project.

I've decided to archive this project. Thank you for your interest and contributions.