Changes to the dnscrypt-server components
ooonea opened this issue · 29 comments
Being subscribed to the project mailing list I read that you switched to OprnSSL. Do I have to follow this guide to update my servers?
You can.
But honestly, there is absolutely no urgency to do it. The current version you are running is fine.
So only do it if you are bored :)
Thank you so much for your answer. At the moment I activated watchtower. I tried on one of the servers to upgrade according to the aforementioned guide. But I had a strange log about certain limits and unbound. But I do not understand anything. I had created a snapshot and I came back. If you're interested, I'll try again and send you the log.
I'd be definitely interested in these logs if you have time.
Ok. Tomorrow afternoon I redo everything. Now sleep, then work, then family and then server. Thanks for your patience. I would like to understand something too.
I am attaching the logs of one of the servers. The logs file comes from the 'docker logs dnscrypt-server' command. The unbound_warning file is an extract of the log that reports the unbound warnings I was telling you about. The file docker_inspect finally comes from the command 'docker inspect dnscrypt-server' from which I understand that nothing has been updated, because I always read libressl. Let me know.
PS: The three files are in the, plus I added a screenshot of the of my servers. Worse than before.
Weird, it definitely looks like you are not running the current image.
How can I update? I followed the guide on Github to manually update the container. Then I installed and activated watchtower. But the result is the same. How can I do? Even if I uninstall and install again, nothing changes. I follow the guide for Scaleway.
Looks like the Docker Hub didn't properly build the new version.
I triggered a new build. Give it a couple minutes :)
Ok. Thank you so much Frank. I'll try soon and I'll let you know. But those unbound notices? What's up?
I think these are limits enforced by Kubernetes or whatever runs your containers.
I use Docker.
Maybe this could help?
Now I try everything and let you know. You are very kind.
Looks like the new image is on the Docker hub!
In fact I had reproached, but still nothing. Now I have updated the first server manually and the others have updated with watchtower, but rightfully I have to manually reset the keys. So it's automatic in half. The test, however, does not change and I seem to be different from the one attached by the user 'mibere'.
@lucenera did you try a browser reload of the page + "Re-run test"? The test sometimes behave a bit strange.
@mibere Yes thanks. It was just a matter of browser cache. I tried in an anonymous browsing window and the test matches yours. By any chance do you know how to use the --ulimit in docker option?
I didn't change anything regarding ulimit in Docker - just on the host.
docker exec -it dnscrypt-server /bin/bash
followed by a
ulimit -n
the output on my system is "1048576".
And ulimit -n
on my host outputs "16384" (default was "1024").
My limit in docker (unlimit -n) is 1024. How do I fix it?
The link posted by Frank should help, see above.
I'm confused why my default in the Docker container is 1048576.
@mibere In fact, your default limit is very high. I was able to use the instructions on the page that Frank suggested to me and now I modified the guide to create the server in 10 minutes. So others will not have my same problem.
Thanks a lot for having updated the instructions!
(my defaults are very high as well, same as @mibere ... Not sure why ... I use stock Ubuntu).
I do what I can and now I put something more in the guide to help people like me who do not understand too much. Increasing the limit to 90000 already I do not receive any more errors. I also use Ubuntu stock and I do not know why your limit is so high by default. Will it be the Ubuntu version? I use Ubuntu Server 18.04.2.
I would also advise against watchtower for this container for the key problem. But maybe it's me that I do not know how to automatically restore them to the update. How do I know when your container is updated in Docker Hub? Then update it manually.
After I connect into the container
cat /etc/alpine-release
=> 3.9.2
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic
Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a
Container' alpine
cat /etc/alpine-release
Ah, maybe because of this:
On my host (Debian 9.8)
grep -i limit /etc/init/docker.conf
=> limit nofile 524288 1048576
I definitively didn't modify that file.
Probably Ubuntu is much more conservative. Ubuntu itself is set at 1024.