
[QUESTION] Are all dependencies needed for `manim-slides[magic]`?

dmadisetti opened this issue · 6 comments

Please explain the issue you're experiencing (with as much detail as possible):

Is pyqt6 required for just the magics install?
Just wondering if there's a working dependency subset

Edit: according to the pytoml


No, as you can see below, you do not need Qt bindings to use the magic feature. The same applies for the sphinx-directive feature.

full = [
magic = ["manim-slides[manim]", "ipython>=8.12.2"]
manim = ["manim>=0.17.3"]
manimgl = ["manimgl>=1.6.1"]
pyqt6 = ["pyqt6>=6.6.1"]
pyqt6-full = ["manim-slides[full,pyqt6]"]
pyside6 = ["pyside6>=6.5.1,<6.5.3;python_version<'3.12'"]
pyside6-full = ["manim-slides[full,pyside6]"]
sphinx-directive = ["docutils>=0.20.1", "manim-slides[manim]"]

Does it answer your question? :-)

qtpy is listed under deps though?


qtpy is listed under deps though?


Yep, but it does not require any Qt binding directly. I could hide put it behind a feature to remove it from the default dependencies, but it doesn’t matter much I think.

No biggie, was just wondering how best to package this

But that was a great question! I might consider removing it for the next release