
Not able to get Image (Snapshot) Size

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to run below code snap.

DigitalOceanClient client = new DigitalOceanClient("token");
Snapshots snapshots = client.getAvailableSnapshots(1, 10);

I can see below output com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Snapshot@548a24a[id=24949980,name=ZivSumitTunServerTestOpenVAS,distribution=<null>,slug=<null>,availablePublic=false,regions=[blr1],createdDate=Thu May 18 15:23:34 IST 2017,minDiskSize=40,size=7.66,type=<null>,rateLimit=<null>]

I am able to get size in console, but when I try access getSize() method of Snapshot, there is no such method.

Can we resolve this by adding getSize() in Snapshot class?

Wow, you're correct Snapshot/Image has attribute

private Double size;

But no getter, setter. I will do.

I have just published 2.12-SNAPSHOT to OSS Sonatype, you can use this for the development.

Releasing it today.