
Image slug information missing in Image object part of Droplet we get from getDropletInfo API

tanmally opened this issue · 4 comments

com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Image@1d844adb[id=34175186,name=18.04 x64,distribution=Ubuntu,slug=,availablePublic=false,regions=[nyc1, sfo1, nyc2, ams2, sgp1, lon1, nyc3, ams3, fra1, tor1, sfo2, blr1],createdDate=Wed May 09 08:10:21 IST 2018,minDiskSize=20,size=0.35,type=snapshot,rateLimit=]

It happens for few images ..not for all

@tanmally Thanks for creating an issue. I have just verified the DO API doc. Attribute name slug is correct.

slug | nullable string | A uniquely identifying string that is associated with each of the DigitalOcean-provided public images. These can be used to reference a public image as an alternative to the numeric id.

My best guess; it could be related with those particular image missing a value at DO end. I think its better to report it DO from your account support.

Looks like an issue at DO side . I tired to query the image Id and got resource not found exception. I shall report it to DO API team

Closing it.