
Mishandling of PUT slug

jeff-zucker opened this issue · 2 comments

@Otto-AA can you explain why putFile has a slug? I do not see a slug on PUT listed anywhere in the specs. This is now causing issues with an update on NSS to 5.2.4. If there's a reason this is in there, please let me know.

   const requestOptions = {
      headers: {
        link: LINK.RESOURCE,
        slug: getItemName(url),
        'Content-Type': contentType
      body: content

No, I think you can safely remove it for putFile. I guess I thought, that if the server doesn't need it, it just ignores it, so I left it when copy-pasting (but that's no reason to leave it here)

I've remove slug from putFile in v.1.0.3.