Annum Ijaz: 10 PRINT CHR$
annumijaz opened this issue · 0 comments
annumijaz commented
- "Code is not purely abstract and mathematical; it has significant social, political, and aesthetic dimensions." This quote on page 4 from the excerpt really intrigues me. Before taking this class, I thought coding was something based off mathematical approaches, rather than aesthetic dimensions. However, during this class, I felt that code can be much more than that. Code can allow you to represent different things in different ways. It gives you many opportunities to represent your objective or purpose.
- "A PRINT command that executed successfully did actually cause something to be printed." This quote on page 12 is really interesting to me. I always thought that print command prints something to the screen, rather than printing something on a paper. Through this part of the excerpt, I learned that it is also possible to actually print something by using code.