
Add link to Universal Chalcidoid Database to each entry

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be convenient to add an auto-generated link to the UCD on each gall page. It might make sense to limit this to galls where family is Cynipidae or something like that but no real harm in having them on every page IMO.
Eg for Andricus ignotus:

IMO that links to other sites section is already cluttered adding another one is going to exacerbate the clutter. Do we need all of the ones that we currently have? If we could only ever have 2 external links what would be the 2 most important? Would an alternate approach to displaying them be helpful? Something like what Wikipedia does?

I use the BHL and Scholar and iNat links all the time. Rarely use BG but it's nice to have it there. Clutter isn't ideal but it's certainly worth the functionality so far. I'm not sure if this addition is worthwhile or not personally but Scott suggested it so I made an issue for it. I can imagine using it.

I was going to say that you could just do this manually instead (though having the generated link makes it more likely you'll remember to check I guess) but it turns out that at least for me right now, that specific search tool page is not loading at all.