
Changes to gall host listing from Edit Gall page erase previous range edits

Megachile opened this issue · 1 comments

Not sure if this is intentional or an oversight but at the moment, if a gall has three hosts and one is removed, any changes made to the range map on the gall-host mapping page are erased. Ideally, the list of states/provinces where the gall's presence has been excluded should persist regardless of any changes made to the host list for any reason.

Similarly, any changes made to the range of the host should update the ranges of associated galls, but not in a way that overrides any previous assertion that a gall is absent from a particular state/province.

Spending a little more time with this, it's clear that the Gall-Host Mappings page works as intended, but making any change to the host field on the Add/Edit Gallformers page causes the host map to reset to the currently selected hosts, with all previous deselections erased.