
Define agamic and sexgen

Megachile opened this issue · 2 comments

Lynn Harper just brought it to my attention that while we have (agamic) and (sexgen) plastered all over the site if you look for oak galls, there's no obvious place to find the definitions of these terms. They could be added to the glossary, but I wonder if there is a less hidden place to make that info accessible.

Maybe could link to the glossary definitions from places that the words occur. I had started that auto-linking feature but it got really hairy and I never did finish it.

Where are you thinking we could display links or definitions?

A couple thoughts about how to handle this:

  1. glossary terms should get priority in search results. Eg right now if you just search the word agamic, the definition in the glossary is at the bottom. Can we just pin those to the top of the search results page?

  2. there are nice tool tips on the search filters. If we added a filter for generation we could define them there.

  3. We could have a conditional tooltip show up for gall pages marked in the family Cynipidae? Not sure how elegant that is to achieve though