
autoscroll not working

Opened this issue · 6 comments

when using the terminal messaging plugin, the autoscroll in the terminal doesn't work. the terminal is just empty like this
from time to time it glitches back into existence.

Have you confirmed it works without the plugin? This plugin shouldn't affect what gets drawn. There are a limited number of messages it keeps, so if they are all filtered out, it will display nothing. That isn't a limit with this plugin.

this is how it looks when the plugin is deactivated, and the output doesn't glitch in and out as it does when the plugin is enabled

There are a limited number of messages it keeps, so if they are all filtered out, it will display nothing

what do you mean by that?

I'm going off of memory (I don't have octoprint installed ATM). But there are something like 500 messages to/from the mcu recorded in a log. When you hit "surpress temperature messages", it filters out those temp responses. If all 500 of the stored messages are temp responses, then nothing will show in the log. There are other filters as well.

yes but I printed the same part back to back with the plugin enabled and without. those filters aren't the problem I think. most messages during printing are the commands, and those appear and diappear randomly when the plugin is enabled

Ok. I believe you. Thanks for the extra details.

thanks for taking the time answering! really appreciate it