
TypeInitializationException occurred at "new XBeeController()".

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I am just a beginner in XBee. My goal is reading the MAC address of XBee devise which is connected with PC. However, "System.TypeInitializationException" occurred just at the first step,

var controller = new XBeeController();

and the Inner exception is "FileNotFoundException: cna not load file... 件 'BinarySerializer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

My developing environment is Visual Stuidio 2019 with C#. XBee.Classic and XBee.Core had added in "References". My application is WPF. My code is as followings.
` public partial class MainWindow : Window
private static XBeeController _controller;
public MainWindow()

    private static async void Run()
        _controller = new XBeeController();
        await _controller.OpenAsync("COM6", 9600);

        var s2 = new XBeeSeries2(_controller);
        var serial = await s2.GetSerialNumberAsync();
