
Config not serializable

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi Jeff,

I've got the above error, which I know some people have had before, when running artisan config:cache.

The full errror is:

  Your configuration files are not serializable.

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ConfigCacheCommand.php:73
     69▕             require $configPath;
     70▕         } catch (Throwable $e) {
     71▕             $this->files->delete($configPath);
  ➜  73▕             throw new LogicException('Your configuration files are not serializable.', 0, $e);
     74▕         }
     76▕         $this->components->info('Configuration cached successfully.');
     77▕     }

  1   bootstrap/cache/config.php:156
      Error::("Call to undefined method Jeffgreco13\FilamentBreezy\BreezyCore::__set_state()")
      +13 vendor frames

  15  artisan:35

In looking at the other tickets, I can't seem to find a specific reason nor fix for it. I've tried all the usual things of deleting the bootstrap/cache/config.php file, but the problem remains.

Any thoughts?


Here's my config:

// config for JeffGreco13/FilamentBreezy

return [
    | My Profile filament page
    | Whether or not to automatically register the My Profile page. Set this to false to extend and create your own page.
    "enable_profile_page"                => true,
    | Whether or not to automatically link the My Profile page in the user menu of Filament. NOTE: if enable_profile_page => false then this value is ignored and you'll need to register the item in your service provider manually.
    "show_profile_page_in_user_menu"     => true,
    | Whether or not to automatically display the My Profile page in the navigation of Filament. NOTE: if enable_profile_page => false then this value is ignored.
    "show_profile_page_in_navbar"        => false,
    | Customize the icon profile page icon in the navbar. Does not apply to the user menu.
    "profile_page_icon"                  => 'heroicon-o-document-text',
    | Set an array that's compatible with the Filament Forms rules() method. Rules for required and confirmed are already set. These rules will apply to the My Profile, registration, and password reset forms. To use an instance of the \Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password::class, see documentation.
    "password_rules"                     => [ 'min:8' ],

    | Auth / User configs
    | This is the Auth model.
    "user_model"                         => config(
    | The users table in your database.
    "users_table"                        => "users",
    | The reset broker to be used in your reset password requests
    "reset_broker"                       => config("auth.defaults.passwords"),
    | The column to use for login/username authentication. NOTE: this may change to just 'login_field' in a later release.
    "fallback_login_field"               => "email",
    | Set a route name prefix for all of Breezy's auth routes. Ex. set filament. to prefix all route names, filament.register. WARNING: if you use a custom route prefix, you'll need to override the default auth routes used throughout your application. This is outside of Breezy's scope and will be up to the dev to maintain. Use at your own risk. See example:
    "route_group_prefix"                 => '',
    | Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
    "enable_2fa"                         => false,
    | Number of seconds before asking the user to confirm their password in PasswordButtonAction again. 300 = 5 minutes
    "password_confirmation_seconds"      => config('auth.password_timeout'),
    | The max-w-xx of the auth card used on all pages.
    "auth_card_max_w"                    => "md",
    | Enable or disable registration.
    "enable_registration"                => env('ENABLE_REGISTRATION', false),
    | Path to registration Livewire component.
    "registration_component_path"        => \JeffGreco13\FilamentBreezy\Http\Livewire\Auth\Register::class,
    | Path to password reset Livewire component.
    "password_reset_component_path"      => \JeffGreco13\FilamentBreezy\Http\Livewire\Auth\ResetPassword::class,
    | Path to email verification Livewire component.
    "email_verification_component_path"  => \JeffGreco13\FilamentBreezy\Http\Livewire\Auth\Verify::class,
    | Path to email verification Controller component.
    "email_verification_controller_path" => \JeffGreco13\FilamentBreezy\Http\Controllers\EmailVerificationController::class,
    | Path to Profile page component.
    "profile_page_component_path"        => \JeffGreco13\FilamentBreezy\Pages\MyProfile::class,
    | Where to redirect the user after registration.
    "registration_redirect_url"          => config('filament.home_url', '/'),
    | Enable sanctum api token management.
    'enable_sanctum'                     => env('ENABLE_SANCTUM'),
    | Sanctum permissions
    "sanctum_permissions"                => [ "create", "read", "update", "delete" ],

Are you using Filament v3 or v2?

In Breezy v2 there is no need for a config file anymore so that can be deleted if you're using the latest versions.

Thanks Jeff, that was it.

I'll read the release notes in future!

There should be a need for config bc I can not find profile_page_icon anywhere now!!