Disk image repos missing
dgelessus opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi, I'm currently unable to fully update my local clone of PCjs, as it seems that all of the disk image repos (referenced by the disks-*
submodules in this repo) are missing/inaccessible:
- https://github.com/jeffpar/pcjs-demo-disks
- https://github.com/jeffpar/pcjs-game-disks
- https://github.com/jeffpar/pcjs-pcsig8a-disks
- https://github.com/jeffpar/pcjs-pcsig8b-disks
- https://github.com/jeffpar/pcjs-pdp11-disks
PCjs itself seems to be working fine after the update, and I can load disks that I already have locally from the last time I updated. I just can't use any of the newly added disks or make a new full clone of the repo.
The pcjs.org website now apparently references some different disk repos, but those are also inaccessible:
Was there some kind of change that I missed and I need do something else to run PCjs locally now?
The new repo doesn't use submodules, so the pcjs-diskettes and pcjs-decdisks repos don't need to be public. As for the old repo, well, recreating the old disk repos might be the easiest solution. I'll look into it.