
Simple JavaScript representation of a SVG Path

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple implementation of a JavaScript representation of SVG Path objects. It satisfies these requirements:

  • Subclasses Array and array methods work as expected on the path points
  • The constructor accepts an array of points ([x,y]) or a simplified SVG Path string
  • clone, map, filter, slice all return new Path objects, not Arrays
  • toString returns the SVG Path as expected in a Path data attribute
  • Moveto may only appear at the beginning and closepath may optionally only appear at the end of a path


See this README or the project page for documentation.

Run rake rocco to generate source documentation under docs.


See the project page documentation for examples.


var path = new Path("M 1 2 L 3 4 l 1 2 z");
// Behaves like an array
path.pop() // [1,2]
// Also has a commands property
path.commands // [M, L, l, z]


In addition to modern browsers Path.js is Node.js/CommonJS compatible. For example:

var Path = require('./path.js').Path;
var path = new Path("M 1 2 L 3 4 l 1 2 z");


Run rake jasmine from the project root and navigate to http://localhost:8888.


MIT License, see LICENSE.