
remap functionality lost

vanya-robertson opened this issue · 0 comments

General information

Basic examination

  • I have read through the README page
  • I have the latest version of zsh-vi-mode
  • I have tested with another terminal program

Problem description

Remapping keys in vi normal mode no longer works.
If you could also fix vi visual mode, I would also be most grateful.

Reproduction steps

  1. modify lines 1460-1473 to:
      '^') cmd=(zle vi-first-non-blank);;
      '$') cmd=(zle vi-end-of-line);;
      ' ') cmd=(zle vi-forward-char);;
      '0') cmd=(zle vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line);;
      'i') cmd=(zle vi-backward-char);;
      'n') cmd=(zle down-line-or-history);;
      'e') cmd=(zle up-line-or-history);;
      'o') cmd=(zle vi-forward-char);;
      'w') cmd=(zle vi-forward-word);;
      'W') cmd=(zle vi-forward-blank-word);;
      'h') cmd=(zle vi-forward-word-end);;
      'H') cmd=(zle vi-forward-blank-word-end);;
      'b') cmd=(zle vi-backward-word);;
      'B') cmd=(zle vi-backward-blank-word);;

Expected behavior

Altered vi-mode kebindings (normal remaps worked in version 0.8.5)