Changes in custom Partials not recognized by tailwindcss ... --watch
cladjidane opened this issue · 0 comments
cladjidane commented
Hello, I would like to use Tailpress with the principle of cutting by file that Sass allows (partials). I would have liked for example to be able to add files in tailpress/resources/css/app.css in this way:
@import "tailwindcss/base";
@import "tailwindcss/components";
@import "tailwindcss/utilities";
/* SASS APP */
@import "sprite", "cards";
It works without problems but the watcher doesn't look at these files and so I have to restart the compilation by hand. I looked for tailwind, but it seems that the tailwind watcher only takes one input file (-i, -input file), so I guess it doesn't see the others.
In previous versions of Tailpress running under mix, it worked very well.
Do you have a solution for this problem?
Thanks for your answer and for this great project!