
Doesn't work with harmony proxies

dphaener opened this issue · 5 comments

This is more of a call for help rather than an issue. I have a testing library that I use that uses harmony proxies. It looks like this needs to be enabled, but I haven't figured out how to run the coverage with harmony proxies enabled. Any ideas?

Babel doesn't and can't support proxies due to the limitations of ES5. You'll likely have to wait until istanbul itself can cover proxies, which might be a long while.

Yeah, I know that Babel doesn't support it. Thought maybe there might be some way to run coverage with node --harmony-proxies. If not, ah well.

I actually don't see why istanbul itself wouldn't work with proxies since there is not special syntax involved. Have you actually tried running coverage with node and harmony proxies?

I've tried, but I fear that I don't have the syntax correct.