
using with the require hook

jonathanong opened this issue · 5 comments

i noticed that if i use this or istanbul with babel's require hook, it does not report the coverage correctly.

do you know how to get around that?

I always run tests with babel-node instead of node, which manages the require hook automatically. I think it ultimately has to do with multiple processes and how istanbul handles those. What is your test command?

ah i c. i'm reluctant to use babel-node because it makes all the test commands a little more confusing, and i'd prefer to just one day remove the require hook vs. rewriting all the test commands.

currently, this is what i have, which worked until i used the node require hook.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "./bin/reseed && NODE_ENV=test mocha lib/__tests/index.js server/__tests/index.js",
    "test-cov": "./bin/reseed && NODE_ENV=test istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- lib/__tests/index.js server/__tests/index.js"

do you mind adding your test commands to the readme? that would be super helpful.

sidenote: would be nice if you did babel: '^6.0.0' as there are various bugs in 6.0 that were fixed in 6.1.

I'll bump babel. I haven't published any test commands because everyone is going to have a different setup. Each person needs to understand their test requirements and how each of the tools they use interact with each other. In this case, I believe it is impossible to use the require hook and istanbul in the way that you want because of how instabul works.

I think your command will work if you do something like this:

./bin/reseed && NODE_ENV=test babel-node node_modules/.bin/babel-istanbul cover node_modules/.bin/_mocha -- lib/__tests/index.js server/__tests/index.js

cool thanks