
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Nebulas JavaScript API

This readme will get you started with using the neb.js file. This file can be found in go-nebulas/cmd/console/neb.js/dist/neb.js

This is the Nebulas compatible JavaScript API. Users can use it in brower and node.js.This javascript library also support API for our Repl console.

Step 1: We need to use NPM to install the dependencies before using neb.js:

Download Node.js:

Note: npm is a Node.js package manager. So this means you need to install Node.js in order to use npm install Node.js

Once you have Node.js installed we can go to the neb.js folder.

Example 1: in the terminal

cd go-nebulas/cmd/console/neb.js
npm install

Step 2: We need to use the gulp command

Download Gulp:

Note: In order to use the gulp command we need to install gulp:

Example 2 in the terminal:

cd go-nebulas/cmd/console/neb.js

Now we can check the newly created files in go-nebulas/cmd/console/neb.js/dist

cd go-nebulas/cmd/console/neb.js/dist


Here you should see a bunch of js files.

In the next tutorial I will show how to use neb.js file and make a make a program to interact with your local Nebulas installation.


Rollup is a module bundler for JavaScript which compiles small pieces of code into something larger and more complex, such as a library or application.

Build neb-node.js by rollup:

rollup -c


  • neb.js:Used in brower side. Including outside dependency.
  • neb-light.js: Used in brower side and Repl console. Ignore outside dependency.
  • neb-node.js: Used in node.js. Including outside dependency.


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Please refer to our contribution guideline for more information.



The go-nebulas project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3.0 (“LGPL v3”).

For the more information about licensing, please refer to Licensing page.