
Unable to install too

Gouvernathor opened this issue · 7 comments

Not the same error as #88.
There doesn't seem to be anything in the readme addressing this.

The reason seems to be that the secp256k1 package that the nostr package depends on is not compatible with Windows.

If you want to force installation, you can use pip install nostr --no-dependencies, but of course you cannot run it.

looks like this is not compatible with m1. Same issue on my macOS

I have resolved issue by installing pkg-config (apt-get install pkg-config) when building my docker

@dcrystalj can you explain how to do this? im a little confused here, also in a m1. should i just run apt-get install pkg-config in the terminal? because it doesnt seem to be working, not sure what you mean when you say "when building my docker", do you mean running the terminal inside the directory where the project is supposed to be or am i totally off here?

@AtlasHODL I am running app inside docker. When building docker I can install pkg-config as I mentioned.

If you are running this on mac (without docker) you should probably try brew install pkg-config first

thank you I was able to install it using 'brew'. @dcrystalj

But now for some reason when I try to run, the traceback I get is that there is no such module

'from Cryptodome import Random
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Cryptodome''

which is weird because I made sure to install that package using 'pip3 install pycryptodome' and I also installed the 'Crypto' package ->

I checked with 'pip3 freeze' and its there.. and I also restarted the terminal but I get the same error.

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pleb21 commented

in my opinon, if it's for learning purpose, using google colab would be the simplest way to get started.