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If you are creating a feature request, please understand that the project is currently being rewritten for the v1.0.0 version which is targeting the following features:

  • Web/desktop versions
  • Offline-first approach (will have its own server/database that scrapes data from your Subsonic/Jellyfin instance)
  • Multi-server support
  • Smart playlists
  • (Synced) Lyrics support
  • Custom python audio player for the desktop version (allows for true gapless playback) MPV desktop player
  • tbd

You can view the rewrite project dashboard here:
And the code branch here:

The codebase for the rewrite has been moved.

Announcement: The first alpha version of Feishin has been released.

Will this version still be maintained?
I don't want to set up yet another server. Sonixd's UI looks amazing and the only problem I have with it is missing shortcuts for shuffle, repeat, volume and using ctrl + left/right to go to previous or next song.
I looked at Feishin and it seems nice (although the alpha sadly has no Windows build) but having to put down another server just to listen to music stored on an existing server feels a lot.

@IngwiePhoenix I'll likely do maintenance patches for Sonixd moving forwards, but I've just been extremely strapped for time with the rewrite, work, and other projects.

Feishin has actually changed it's approach since I released the first alpha, since many people shared a similar sentiment in terms of setting up extra resources.

  1. Supports Navidrome and Jellyfin and will fetch directly from your existing server (dropping Subsonic support possibly)
  2. Will not require any external database/server
  3. May later add a local database for advanced querying (sqlite or nosql alternative)

I usually post my thoughts and latest updates on the discord/matrix servers or you can follow the Feishin repo for when I push the release of the revised version.