
A CakePHP component to show, validate captcha

Primary LanguagePHP

Cakephp Captcha Component 2.5

A CakePHP Component to have Captchas with Model Validation. Tested upto CakePHP 2.5.4.


  • Multiple Captcha Support.
    • It simply supports multiple captchas on a page. In different forms or in a single form.
  • Model Validation attahced as Behavior
  • Image and/or Simple Math Captchas
  • Configurable Model Name, Field Name, Captcha Height, Width, Number of Characters and Font Face, Size, Angle of rotation
  • Works without GD Truetype font support
  • Random or Fixed Captcha Themes for Image Captchaa
  • Random Font face


Place all files bundled in this package in corresponding folders. Then follow instructions given below.


Open the Controller/Component/CaptchaComponent.php file and make necessary changes in the $settings variable defined near line 125.


Follow instructions given below to place in Controller, Model and View files.

###In Controller

Add in the top definitions of your controller.

var $components = array('Captcha'=>array('Model'=>'Signup', 'field'=>'captcha'));//'Captcha'

Note: "captcha" is the field name for which we are binding this captcha here in examples. Replace with appropriate name.

Add this function in your controller.

function captcha()	{
    $this->autoRender = false;

Add the similar logic to the function which is the "action" of your form, in your controller. The highlighted line (line 3 here) is the one which is related to the captcha component.

function add()	{
    if(!empty($this->request->data))	{
        $this->Signup->setCaptcha('captcha', $this->Captcha->getCode('Signup.captcha'));
        if($this->Signup->validates())	{ //as usual data save call
            // validation passed, do save or something
        }	else	{ //or
            $this->Session->setFlash('Data Validation Failure', 'default', array('class' => 'cake-error'));
            //validation not passed, do something else

###In Model

Add CaptchaBehaviour in the Model definitions, as following:

public $actsAs = array(
    'Captcha' => array(
        'field' => array('captcha'),
        'error' => 'Incorrect captcha code value'

###In View

Add form code in the view file, in the form where you want the captcha image to appear:

echo $this->Form->create("Signups");
echo $this->Form->submit(__(' Submit ',true));
echo $this->Form->end();

And importanly place the following javascript script code in somewhere in your page so it is called properly and execute.

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
jQuery('.creload').on('click', function() {
    var mySrc = $(this).prev().attr('src');
    var glue = '?';
    if(mySrc.indexOf('?')!=-1)  {
        glue = '&';
    $(this).prev().attr('src', mySrc + glue + new Date().getTime());
    return false;

That should be it!

##More examples

###Custom settings:

echo $this->Form->create("Signups");

###Multiple captchas:

//form 1
echo $this->Form->create("Signups");

//form 2, A math captcha, anywhere on the page
echo $this->Form->create("Users");

Settings that can be set in your view file:

  • model: model name.
  • field: field name.
  • type: image or math. If set to 'math' all following settings will be obsolete
  • width: width of image captcha
  • height: height of image captcha
  • theme: theme/difficulty image captcha
  • length: number of characters in image captcha
  • angle: angle of rotation for characters in image captcha

Additional settings that can be set in Component file.

  • fontAdjustment: Responsible for the font size relational to Captcha Image Size
  • reload_txt: The phrase which appears as a Captcha Reload link
  • clabel: Label for Image Captcha Value input field
  • mlabel: Label for Math Captcha Value input field

What's New

  • Tested upto CakePHP 2.5.4
  • Multiple Image and Simple Math captcha
  • Default and Random themes for Image Captcha
  • Multiple font files placed in Lib
  • Fully controlled from View file through Helper




Send me a message to receive Latest captcha files (Beta)*.

The version here at Github is also a Stable one but Without multiple Captcha Support.

* (My apologies but this work is being duplicated and published without my knowledge and credit so i am not pushing the latest work here right now.)