Copies all files in a container to another Storage Account container.
- Stands up ACI
- Runs AZCopy
- Transfers Blobs
- Utilizes bandwidth in the data center
- Ensure the best possible transfer rate.
Choose the region nearest to the data; this is where ACI will be brought up.
az group create -g <resourceGroupName> --location "West US 2"
Deployment file
- Stands up ACI (in the region of the Resource Group)
- Intiates copy of data
az group deployment create --name sync --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --template-file transfer.json --parameters source=SOURCE soruceKey=KEY destination=DESTINATION destinationKey=KEY
OR (Edit parameter.json)
az group deployment create --name sync --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --template-file transfer.json --parameters parameters.json