
Disable standard file Output

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Ciao John,
thank you for developing this tool which is working like a charm.
On the compositor side everything is really working as expected, but I have a minor issue on the standard Output panel. In our pipeline we only need the files coming out from the compositor and I am trying to find a way not to render the default file Output.
If I leave the Output field completely blank when I render an animation Blender only renders the first frame and then stops.
As a workaround I tried to render the frames from the Output render in a tmp folder without any frame padding so every frame coming from the standard Output is overwritten as those are not useful to me (while the renders from the compositor are executed correctly). Unfortunately the frame padding is always automatically added no matter what is the file name that I set.
test is rendered as test0001 and so on
test.0001 is rendered as test.00010001 and so on
test.0001.png is rendered as test.0001.png0001 and so on
Really hope the issue is clear.
Thx Claudio

I may have found a workaround. Setting file format to FFmpeg Video and output file name tmp.mp4 does the trick!! The tmp.mp4 file is overwritten every frame, while compositor outputs are correct. Kind of funky but it works. May be you have a more "professional" solution.

Ciao @PROXMIL! Glad you have a workaround, sorry I don't have any suggestions (this plugin doesn't interfere with standard Blender operations like this).

Sounds like a good question for BlenderArtists or Stackexchange.